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The Katz Institute for Women’s Health is proud to sponsor the Women’s Health Summit. This event would not be possible without the generous support of Nanci and Larry Roth.

Monday, June 7: Mental Health 



Katz Welcome with Dr. Stacey E. Rosen

92Y Welcome
Katz Welcome with Dr. Stacey E. Rosen

Raise Your Health: Prioritizing Your Care

Monique Jones, MD, MBA; Nina S. Vincoff, MD; Nancy Beran, MD; Stacey E. Rosen, MD (moderator)

Women can be so busy taking care of others that they too often put their own healthcare needs last. Our experts share the latest information on women’s health issues, the most essential things you need to know about your own health and wellness, and advice on how to take the best care of you.

The Pandemic, Mental Health, and Why Women Took the Hardest Hit

Jennifer Kelly, Jessica Grose, Cecilia Gentili, Emily Tisch Sussman (moderator)

The COVID-19 crisis impacted the mental health of every one of us -- and the mental health of women most of all. Along with suffering losses of loved ones and jobs, and navigating anxiety about the virus and social isolation, those of us who are mothers of young or school-age children struggled disproportionately. Many of us found ourselves working from home while needing to parent, and even with helpful partners, the lion’s share of effort — and the stress that accompanies it – was ours. Join us to explore it all, and the massive primal scream it prompted.

Introduction to Reiki

Tina Conroy, E-RYT, RMT

Keynote: Mariel Hemingway: My Story and Why I Tell It

Mariel Hemingway

Inspiring mental health advocate, activist and author Mariel Hemingway has long studied the link between mental and physical health. She rounds out the first day of the Summit with a powerful presentation centered on her own personal story of escaping a tragic legacy of depression, addiction and suicide in one of America’s most famous families. Mariel urges stigma-free honesty in women identifying with depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder and more as the first step toward living with greater balance.

Mental Health and Resilience in the Age of COVID-19

Anna K. Costakis, MD and Victor Fornari, MD

How we handle adverse situations, stress and emotional distress varies widely from woman to woman, but every one of us needs coping mechanisms and tools for managing our mental health. Never has this been more vital than in this year of COVID-19, and as we begin to emerge from it. Our physicians talk about how women can assess their own mental health, how to build resilience, how to know when you or your loved ones need help, and more. And they reinforce the positive lessons learned from the pandemic, sharing concrete strategies for working your way back to greater stability and balance.


Tuesday, June 8: Cancer: Prevention, Innovation, and Survivorship 



Keynote: Cancer Schmancer 2021

Fran Drescher in Conversation with Town & Country’s April Long

Emmy-nominated actress, producer and activist Fran Drescher used her experience with uterine cancer to launch a movement. Her nonprofit, Cancer Schmancer, was conceived to change the way policy makers and patients think about cancer and healthcare. Drescher joins us to talk about her foundation’s latest work, her holistic approach to wellness, the ways in which you can help protect yourself, the importance of knowing your rights as a patient, and more – all drawing on research to enlighten you and an experience she wants to spare you. Infinitely inspirational, infinitely relatable, Drescher says, “I got famous. Then I got cancer. Now I live to talk about it.” Be among those to hear her.

Women’s Cancers: What Every Woman Should Know

Benjamin Schwartz, MD, Andrea Zimmern, MD, Jocelyn Park, MD, Richard R. Barakat MD, MBA (moderator)

More than one in three women will be diagnosed with cancer in her lifetime, but there are multiple ways to help protect yourself. Our experts talk about the cancers that affect women most, lead you through the guidelines for screenings, and detail the lifestyle changes and healthy choices in diet, physical activity and more that can help reduce your risk.

Guided Imagery for Cancer Patients

Cancer Survivorship: Beyond Diagnosis and Treatment

Catherine M. Alfano, PhD

A cancer diagnosis and the treatment that follows is only part of the cancer care journey. Our experts talk about survivorship, and how women can empower themselves with information, find support and learn about the options and resources available to them that can optimize their health and wellbeing during treatment, recovery and beyond.


Wednesday, June 9: Heart Health




Jennifer H. Mieres, MD

Tara Narula, MD in Conversation with Nancy Brown, CEO, American Heart Association

Chair Yoga

Lisa Bondy, E-RYT

Women’s Heart Health: A Network of Care

Eugenia Gianos, MD, Catherine R. Weinberg, MD, Sonia Henry, MD

Heart disease is the No. 1 killer of women in the US, but up to 80% of heart disease can be prevented through education, management of risk factors, healthy lifestyle choices, and advancements in technology that have positively impacted prevention, diagnosis and treatment. Our experts address areas including cardio-obstetrics and cardio-oncology, offering guidance on how women can take charge of their heart health at every stage of life – and their view that it’s never too early to start. 

Tapping for Relaxation

Deborah McElligott, DNP

Heart Health and the Food You Eat

Sharon Zarabi RD, CDN, CPT

Healthy eating is essential for a heart-healthy life. Our experts guide you on the best foods for cardio health, the ones to avoid or limit, and how they impact your health. And they offer tips on how you can reshape your diet with food choices that can be easily worked into your lifestyle – and which can make all the difference in your health.


Thursday, June 10: Brain Health




Rafael A. Ortiz, MD

Keynote: Kelly McGonigal on the Brain and the Body

Kelly McGonigal

Through her trademark blend of science and storytelling, Stanford University psychologist and best selling author Kelly McGonigal draws on insights from neuroscience, psychology, and evolutionary biology to explore how physical activity supports brain health and will outline actionable strategies for putting the ideas to work for you.

All About Sleep

Penny Stern, MD, MPH

With Women in Mind: Optimizing Female Brain Health

Maria Torroella Carney, MD, Jeremy Koppel, MD

Maintaining brain health is top of mind as we age. Our experts break down what can be expected as natural developments in women’s brains and the signs and symptoms to be alert to, and they share the things every one of us can do right now to promote brain health throughout our lives.

Mindful Rest

Tracee Stanley

Joan Lunden on Aging and Brain Health with the Women’s Brain Health Initiative’s Lynn Posluns

Joan Lunden

Award-winning journalist Joan Lunden chronicled her experience as an aging baby boomer in her book Why Did I Come Into This Room? She joins us with Lynn Posluns, founder and president of the Women’s Brain Health Initiative, to address the mental and emotional aspects of aging, with takeaways on what you can do to protect your brain health. Lunden shares frank, often funny, truths about her personal experiences with changes in energy, weight, sleep, and sex drive, and navigating a society that reveres youth. Lunden and Posluns address disorders associated with brain aging that disproportionately affect women. And they discuss the latest scientific findings on brain health, offering advice on the best ways to protect your own cognitive vitality.


Friday, June 11: OBGYN Health


Michael L. Nimaroff, MD, MBA

Keynote: Dr. Jen Gunter on Menopause – the Myths, the Science and You

Dr. Jen Gunter

World-renowned gynecologist, author of the New York Times bestseller The Vagina Bible and new The Menopause Manifesto Dr. Jen Gunter joins us to debunk every myth and mistruth about menopause and empower you with hard facts and real science. Widely misunderstood both culturally and medically, Dr. Gunter cuts through the noise and shame too often associated with menopause and offers the essential truths every women needs to know about hot flashes, sleep disruption, sex and libido changes, depression and mood changes, skin and hair issues, outdated therapies and more. An eye-opening talk by one of the world’s most highly regarded and outspoken advocates for women’s health.

What is Endometriosis?

Christine Metz, PhD

A Woman’s Journey, A Woman’s Health Partner: Introduction to Breakout Sessions

Jill Rabin, MD

Throughout every woman’s lifetime, she goes through stages of physical and emotional changes. Partnering with your gynecologist is one of the most important steps women of all ages can take to keep informed of screening guidelines, to take measures in preventative care, and to find reassurance and support. Every stage is new to every woman. And no woman is ever alone. 

Breakout session 1: Advancements in Infertility; Pre-Pregnancy Health

Nicole Noyes, MD; Francine Hippolyte, MD

The struggle to conceive can be among the most difficult times in a woman’s life. Our experts present the latest advancements in fertility treatments, breaking down options ranging from medications to assisted reproductive technologies. And they share what you – and anyone hoping to conceive – can do beforehand to ensure the healthiest start for a pregnancy.

Breakout session 2: The Nature of Menopause and How to Manage Through the Wild

Stephanie McNally, MD; Kristina M. Deligiannidis, MD

Hot flashes, night sweats, mood changes … what exactly is happening to your body? While every woman experiences this bewildering stage of life a bit differently, there is much that we share. Our experts discuss the physical and emotional effects of menopause and offer treatment options, advice for self-care and more.

Breakout session 3: Health Below the Belt

Christina Kwon, MD, Robert Moldwin, MD

Many women experience some type of pelvic health issue at some point in their lifetime. Problems can range from pelvic pain or discomfort to urinary incontinence. There are many causes, with symptoms that can range from minor inconveniences to restrictions that have a major impact on quality of life. Our experts talk candidly about pelvic health disorders and the treatments that can help you live your fullest life. 

The Gender Problem in Medical Research

Christina Brennan, MD, MBA

Ms. Diagnosed Documentary Trailer

Gender Inequality in Healthcare and What Women Need to Know

Sharonne N. Hayes, MD, Tricia Regan and Jennifer H. Mieres, MD (moderator)

Nearly all of the healthcare women receive is based on research performed on men. But nearly every disease affects women differently. In the final panel of our summit, Dr. Jennifer Mieres moderates a conversation with Dr. Sharonne Hayes and Emmy Award-winning filmmaker Tricia Regan about the stunning gender inequities in healthcare that are the focus of her powerful documentary Ms. Diagnosed. A short clip from the film sets up the conversation, which explores how we arrived at a system so poorly considered for women that it costs lives, the progress that is being made, the urgent need for greater action, and what you can do to advocate for yourself until we get there.

Closing Remarks

Katz Closing Remarks with Dr. Stacey E. Rosen


  • About the Katz Institute for Women’s Health

    The Katz Institute for Women's Health knows that women’s health needs are unique and provides a healthcare connection focused on the continuum of care over a woman’s life span. Our network of women’s health experts work to promote this vision by raising the standards of excellence in patient-centered women’s health care. The Resource Center is available to answer questions related to women’s health and schedule appointments with members of the Katz Institute: (855) 850-KIWH (5494).

    By registering for this event, you’ll be enrolled as a member of the Katz Women’s Circle, our community of women’s health and wellness advocates. This free membership gives you direct access to new insights from our experts, invitations to special events and even a little swag.

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