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92Y, Public Radio International and Mic are teaming up to invite young Americans to The UnConvention: a global conversation — across broadcast and social media, via live events and community meet-ups — about what is at stake in the US election for the country’s largest living generation: millennials.
Participating Partners
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Ground rules for the UnConvention:

  • The UnConvention is civil! As the campaigns heat up, so does the rehetoric but we have the opportunity to model the type of discourse we would like to have this election season — passionate but civil, respectful and insightful. That’s the kind of dialogue that benefits us all.
  • The UnConvention is inclusive. All voices and opinions are welcome. Help us create an environment where, even if we disagree, we can still work together and everyone feels welcome.

For the latest UnConvention news, follow & like:

Public Radio International @PRI
Mic @mic
92Y @92Y

Read the press release.
The Pluribus Project
The UnConvention is made possible in part by the Pluribus Project

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