Thank you for writing [justice] a language for the future. Thank you for inviting me into the streets, making the streets safe by filling them with life. Thank you who walked alongside me, you who I don’t know, and trusting me to walk beside you. If we were cold that night, December 2014, we were warmed by something greater. Thank you for holding your grief in these words, for holding these words in your hands [up, don’t shoot], in your chest. For making the name a word that creates presence [Sandra Bland, Trayvon Martin, Eric Garner, Rekia Boyd, Natasha McKenna, Michael Brown...] For bringing them into the world again, held and not rented from billboards or landlords. For echoing those words written first by a few brilliant hearts, in a love letter to Black lives [matter]. Thank you for challenging us to realize that love. Thank you for risking that endless poem, the impossible demand.