Poetry with Molly Peacock
Poetry with Molly Peacock
Join beloved teacher and poet, Molly Peacock, as she demonstrates how creative journeys result in poems.


Study how creative journeys result in poems — through your own drafts as well as those of the instructor.

This limited enrollment class will map the evolution of jottings into poems, watching Molly Peacock write as you write. As online visual art classes demonstrate by drawing, Peacock will show, in real (and replicated) time, how All-over-the-place notes can coalesce into poems. Each class will model the back-and-forth of intuition with technique decisions. This is an online studio-workshop, with time to write in class. Join us as we arrive at Someplace.

Class 1: Inheritance. Class 2: Personal Objects. Class 3: Love and Memory. Class 4: Participant Draft Showcase.

Class meets online from 2-5 pm on Sundays: March 23 and 30; April 27 and May 4

Available Classes

Mar 23 - May 4
SUNDAYS 2:00PM - 5:00PM ET
Poetry with Molly Peacock
Peacock, Molly
Peacock, Molly

About Your Visit

How to access 92NY events during construction:

  • Events in Kaufmann Concert Hall, Weill Art Gallery, Buttenwieser Hall, and Arnhold Studio: Use the 92nd Street entrance. A Box Office agent will assist you.
  • All other programs: Use the Lexington Avenue entrance at 91st Street (South Building). To reach the North Building, use the 3rd-floor walkway.

Learn more and plan your visit

Thank you for your patience and support as we make exciting upgrades to our building!

An access link will be emailed to you after purchase.
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