In this online course, you’ll delve into a variety of sophisticated techniques including shaping, advanced pattern reading, intricate stitch patterns, and essential finishing and assembling methods.
You’ll also be introduced to very basic crochet techniques to enhance your knitting projects. You’ll be encouraged to share your own projects for personalized guidance and feedback through our interactive virtual platform. Additionally, the instructor will provide tailored suggestions to inspire your next knitting adventure. Whether you want to refine your skills or embark on a new creative journey, this virtual class offers the support and knowledge you need to elevate your fabric-making artistry. Join us and connect with fellow knitting enthusiasts from around the world!
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Lisa Daehlin is a knitting designer and opera chanteuse. Her project of #LovePeopleBeKind has as its goal bringing the world together in seemingly small ways (one heart at a time) that can grow more plentiful than any we can imagine. The expanding imagery of hearts, roots, and sinews finds its way into her body of work in the form of mandalas, circles, concentric imagery, emanating outward and onward through heart, thought, hands, materials, and tools. Lisa’s artistic identities as a singer and a stitch wielder often blend together in her performance of art song on the concert stage, ...
Lisa Daehlin is a knitting designer and opera chanteuse. Her project of #LovePeopleBeKind has as its goal bringing the world together in seemingly small ways (one heart at a time) that can grow more plentiful than any we can imagine. The expanding imagery of hearts, roots, and sinews finds its way into her body of work in the form of mandalas, circles, concentric imagery, emanating outward and onward through heart, thought, hands, materials, and tools. Lisa’s artistic identities as a singer and a stitch wielder often blend together in her performance of art song on the concert stage, in cabarets, and in windows of yarn shops. One such example, her OperaKnit Cabaret, rears its head in various incarnations. She free-lances for the fashion industry and retail design. Her designs can be seen walking the streets of Manhattan, gracing the pages of numerous publications, including: Interweave Knits, Knit.1, Knit Simple, and Vogue Knitting magazines as well as featured in Lace Style, Bag Style, and The New Tunisian Crochet books published by Interweave Press, and Vogue Knitting: Ultimate Hat Book and Vogue Knitting: Shawls and Wraps by Sixth and Spring Books. Over the past two decades, Lisa has taught at several venues including: 92NY, The Cooper Union, The Creative Center, Newark Museum, PS122 Gallery, Harlem Knitting Circle, University Settlement, Vogue Knitting LIVE, and the American Folk Art Museum in New York.
Crochet for Beginners
Knitting for Beginners
Knitting Beyond Basics
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