Photographing New York From the Waterfront
Instructor: Stephen Sherman
Welcome New Students,
With the growth of the New York Ferry service, we now have a chance to photograph and explore some less familiar neighborhoods from new perspectives, including that of from the water itself, and the ferries get us angles and shots we couldn’t get any other way.
The ferry service now stretches all the way from the Rockaways to Astoria and Whitestone, with some great locations in between. Each week we will shoot a different destination, visually explore the route as seen from the water and also the destination area from the land side.
The students will share their images with each other via Dropbox, and there will be time set aside in each class to critique the shoot from the previous week.
The first session will be a 1 hour virtual orientation via Zoom to discuss meeting locations and equipment. The subsequent meetings will take place on location. We will have no set agenda for where we will be shooting; it will be decided on in the class but will have to be one of the areas that is reachable by ferry. If there is a particular area of the city that you want to explore, let me know. I have some favorites, but would love to hear yours.
I wanted to remind you all to please bring your camera, an extra battery, and at least one extra camera memory card with you on the days we go out in the field. If your camera is new, or you are not very familiar with it’s operation, you might also want to bring the manual in your camera bag. Make sure that your camera batteries are fully charged when you bring your camera to class.
I have always been taken with the Paris photographs taken By Charles Marville in the 19th century, and those of Eugene Atget taken at the turn of the 20th century, but cities evolve and we try to capture the life in front of us, our environment as we see it.
Suggested reading: Jane Jacobs: The Death and Life of Great American Cities
My contact information is below if you need to reach me or have any questions.
I look forward to meeting you,
Stephen Sherman
Tel.: 347.449.6105