Painting Flowers in Watercolor
Instructor: Wennie Huang
Supply List:
Watercolor Paints: (Liquid in Tubes preferred)
RECOMMENDED COLORS (a few more colors than listed on the website - it’s ok if you don’t have all of the colors) - I use Van Gogh, Sennelier, Winsor Newton, and Rembrandt brands.
- alizarin crimson or any madder rose or similar color
- opera rose
- cadmium red light or vermilion
- burnt sienna or light oxide red
- cadmium yellow light or hansa or azo yellow
- lemon yellow
- raw sienna
- gamboge or new gamboge
- viridian green
- ultramarine blue
- cobalt blue
- cerulean blue
- indigo
- cobalt violet
- White gouache - optional
Buy what’s in your budget: Professional brands like Escoda, Winsor & Newton and Raphael make excellent brushes. Click on the links in blue for what I use:
Watercolor Paper:
- 140 lb. Cold Press. Arches blocks - 9” x 12”, 10" x14”, or 12" x 12", (Green Cover)
- Link for Arches watercolor paper block, 140 lb. /20 sheets - COLD PRESS, 9 x 12 inches or 10 x 13/14 inches (GREEN COVER) - any other paper is an inferior quality and paper is an extremely important component of a good watercolor (even more than paints): ($38 for 9” x 12”)
- White enamel metal palette (butcher’s tray) for mixing liquid paints or the white mixing surface that comes with your paint kit NO plastic circular palettes and any palettes which are not white: ($11)
- White porcelain dish can be used in a pinch
- NO plastic circular palettes or any palettes which are not white
- Spray bottle for misting palette - I love this one ($10)
- Two clear glass or plastic containers for water
- #2 Pencil and eraser
- Small sketch pad, pencil and eraser to make thumbnail sketches
- Bounty or Viva Paper towels or Kleenex for blotting
- 1/2” Thin Artists Tape
- masking fluid marker or masking fluid with small brush for application
- old toothbrush for splattering textures