How much can two genes control your destiny? Panelists present the latest life-saving information surrounding BRCA-related cancers and what can be done to mitigate risk. BRCA1 and BRCA2 gene mutations, which greatly increase the risk of breast, ovarian, pancreatic and prostate cancers, disproportionately impact Jews of Ashkenazic ancestry, but can affect anyone, including men. Learn from leaders in the field of hereditary cancers about how you can use knowledge as power to manage and lower your risk.
Joan Lunden, moderator, talks with Penn Medicine’s Basser Center for BRCA Executive Director Susan Domchek MD, Memorial Sloan Kettering’s Chief of Breast Medicine Service and Clinic Director of Clinical Genetics Service, Mark Robson MD, community educator Nicole Schreiber-Agus, PhD and author and breast cancer advocate Elizabeth Wurtzel.