92Y and Comedy Central's Indecision present The Unconvention, a night featuring a mixture of serious political discussion and stand up comedy. The first panel of the night featured MSNBC host Touré moderating a panel between TIME columnist Joe Klein, CNN Contributor Margaret Hoover and Reason Foundation's Anthony Randazzo.
In this clip, the panel talks about the current state of the presidential race and the outlook on who will be victorious. On the Republican side, Hoover isn't so confident regarding Governor Romney's chances, calling "it possible but not likely" that Romney can win. Klein points to Romney as a candidate, contrasting him to former President Bill Clinton. To Klein, Clinton started out as a sub par candidate and got progressively better, where as Romney started out as a good candidate and "got progressively worse." Randazzo explains what he saw at the Republican National Convention--lack of a positive message but one that said if "you don't like the past four years vote for Mitt Romney."