Welcome to fatherhood. A “late-night bottle” is now filled with formula instead of beer. Wallet and keys now have company – wipes, toys, snacks... and that other sock.
You are an expert on ballerina pigs and amphibian martial artists. You get home from work and then you start a whole other job. And every day, someone looks to you to know the world and guide them in it – but you’re still trying to figure it out for yourself.
Father doesn’t always know best. And that’s why 92Y presents a day dedicated to dads.
Keynote speaker Dr. Michael Thompson is one of the country’s leading experts on boys. His groundbreaking work explores how boys are raised to become men – and fathers. Michael Kimmel, renowned sociologist and author of the best-selling Guyland: The Perilous World Where Boys Become Men and Paul Raeburn, author of Do Fathers Matter shed light on the science of fatherhood. And you’ll hear from stay-at-home dads and working fathers like Lance Somerfeld of NYC Dads about their experiences.
The Evolution of Dad film excerpt (dir. Dana H. Glazer)
Welcoming remarks from two parenting experts: Sally Tannen, Director of 92Y’s Parenting Center; Lance Somerfeld, co-founder of City Dads Group.
Keynote: Moving Past Your Own Father – Dr. Michael Thompson, psychologist, author and speaker. Followed by Q&A.
The Other F-Word film excerpt (dir. Andrea Blaugrand)
Panel 1: Juggling Dads: Finding Time for Work, Family and Play – with Dr. Stew Friedman, founder of the Wharton School’s Work/Life Integration Project; Simon Isaacs, founder, GATHER, and co-founder, Fatherly moderates. Followed by Q&A.
“1000 Days: The Triumph of Dads” presented by Doug French, co-founder, Dad 2.0 Summit
Panel 2: The Science of Fatherhood: How the Research is Changing the Conversation – with Dr. Michael Kimmel, author and renowned sociologist; Dr. James Curley, assistant professor at Columbia University; and Dr. Michael Thompson; Paul Raeburn, author, Do Fathers Matter? moderates; Followed by Q&A.
Panel 3: Pursuing a Parenting Partnership – featuring parent-partners of varied backgrounds: Kipp Jarecke-Cheng and Mark Jarecke; Rob & Carolyn Candelino; and Matt Schneider and Priyanka Schneider. Eric Messinger, editor, New York Family, moderates. Followed by Q&A.
Closing remarks from Lance Somerfeld and Sally Tannen.
92Y Parenting Conference sponsor Dove Men+Care is bringing “Real Strength” to sports’ biggest stage to celebrate how caring for himself and others makes the modern man stronger. Visit www.DoveMenCare.com/RealStrength to view the commercial and join the #RealStrength conversation online.
We would like to thank this year’s program partners: NYC Dads Group, New York Family and Fatherly.