Platonic: How the Science of Attachment Can Help You Make — and Keep — Friends - The 92nd Street Y, New York

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Recanati-Kaplan Talks

Platonic: How the Science of Attachment Can Help You Make — and Keep — Friends

Marisa G. Franco in Conversation with Vienna Pharaon

Sep 8, 2022

How do we make and keep friends in an era of distraction, burnout, and chaos, especially in a society that often prizes romantic love at the expense of other relationships? Join psychologist Dr. Marisa G. Franco to unpack the latest, often counterintuitive findings about the bonds between us — for example, why your friends aren’t texting you back (it’s not because they hate you!), and the myth of “friendships happening organically” (making friends, like cultivating any relationship, requires effort!).

Understanding the science of attachment is key to building lasting friendships and finding “your people” in an ever-more-fragmented world, says Dr. Franco. She’ll share insights and practical advice from her new book, Platonic, and will reveal how making new friends and deepening longstanding relationships is possible — and in fact essential — at every age. Join her, and learn how to forge strong, lasting connections with others, and become your happiest, most fulfilled self in the process.

Marisa G. Franco

Marisa G. Franco holds a PhD in Counseling Psychology from the University of Maryland and works as a professor there currently …

Vienna Pharaon

Vienna Pharaon is a licensed marriage and family therapist and one of New York City’s most sought after relationship therapists …

This program is part of 92NY Recanati-Kaplan Talks.

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Categories: Science & Technology

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