In the Bible: Ezra and Nehemiah - The 92nd Street Y, New York

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The Elie Wiesel Living Archive

at The 92nd Street Y, New York Supported by The Elie Wiesel Foundation for Humanity

In the Bible: Ezra and Nehemiah

Overcoming Division, Healing the Nation, Restoring Faith
Oct 22, 1987

Separated by temperament and much else, Ezra and Nehemiah overcame division and worked together to lead Babylonian Jews back to Jerusalem and, with solemnity and pageantry, rededicated the second Temple. Neither Ezra nor Nehemiah acted upon the word of God; they did it on their own. And maybe that was their greatness. Better than anyone, Ezra understood that without study, the Jewish people have no chance to survive. When, for the first time, he read the Torah to the entire people in Judea, there must have been ancient reverberations of Sinai in the air. As members of the Great Assembly, Ezra and Nehemiah were the great healers of their nation, restoring faith in God and in the nation itself. Their heroic counterparts in 1987 are the olim from Soviet Union returning to Jerusalem. As with Ezra and Nehemiah’s times, our generation has difficulties in uttering certain words—of unlimited praise and infinite faith--in our prayers. And we say them nevertheless.

Selected Quotations:

Together, Ezra and Nehemiah brought a new vision and yet an ancient one to their dispersed people. Dispersed? Yes, but united, thanks to both of them. (00:02:45)

-Elie Wiesel

Strange, but neither [[Ezra] nor Nehemiah acted upon the word of God: it is not God who told them to go to Jerusalem, to make aliyah. This they did on their own. (00:26:19)

-Elie Wiesel

It somehow seems impossible to study Jewish history without, at the same time, discovering some crucial element about world history. (00:34:34)

-Elie Wiesel

The Babylonian enemy understood that as long as Jews would remain in touch with their land, they would not be vanquished. (00:38:47)

-Elie Wiesel

As members of the Great Assembly, Ezra and Nehemiah were the great healers of their nation. They restored its faith in God and in itself. (01:07:14)

-Elie Wiesel

In so many ways, our era reminds us of theirs, for our era is influenced and inspired by theirs. (01:09:50)

-Elie Wiesel
        1) Models of Israel’s Hope: Ezra and Nehemiah 
2) Were Ezra and Nehemiah a United Pair?
3) Fulfilling Jeremiah’s Prophecy
4) When Was the Book of Ezra Written?
5) 20 Years at 92Y; An Outline of the Evening
6) Handling Trauma, Tragedy, Suffering and Memory
7) Who Was Ezra?
8) Who Was Nehemiah?
9) The Babylonian Oppression (595 BCE) & Eventual Exile
10) Cyrus’ Favorable Treatment of the Jews
11) Zerubbabel: The First Steps Towards Returning to Israel
12) Connecting the First Aliya to Those From Soviet Russia
13) Immediately Beginning to Rebuild the Temple
14) Why Did Ezra Wait to Make Aliyah?
15) An Overreaction to Inter-Marriage
16) Ezra’s Creation of a Scholarly Network (Proto-Tannaim)
17) Our Era and Echo of That of Ezra and Nehemiah

Tags: Elie Wiesel

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