In the Bible: Daniel in the Lion's Den - The 92nd Street Y, New York

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The Elie Wiesel Living Archive

at The 92nd Street Y, New York Supported by The Elie Wiesel Foundation for Humanity

In the Bible: Daniel in the Lion's Den

A Knowledge of Secrets Helps Overcome Banality and Reject Vulgarity
Oct 6, 1988

“This story, beautiful and disturbing -- is about children, Jewish children.” How Jewish children are used, abused, and forced to assimilate. Yet Daniel and his friends (like Joseph before them) are able to resist. Daniel does so by what seemingly are prophetic powers. But the Talmud does not list him among the prophets. His wisdom takes him far yet his not being a prophet offers a clue to his lack of wholeness. And his lack of wholeness marks him as a diaspora Jew. Nevertheless, the Midrash ranks his defense of the Jewish people together with that of Moses. And to only Daniel and the Patriarch Jacob was the secret of the end times revealed. Jacob forgot it, Daniel kept it a secret. It cannot be deciphered. But we know that there is a secret and that knowledge helps us overcome banality and reject vulgarity.

Selected Quotations:

In all wars, as we know, it is always the children who lose. (00:02:00)

-Elie Wiesel

The Talmud nor the text never refer to [Daniel] as a prophet. (00:03:25)

-Elie Wiesel

This is the first time that the Jews are persecuted for their faith. (00:38:00)

-Elie Wiesel

Mystery must remain secret in order for it to impact man’s destiny. (01:08:25)

-Elie Wiesel

His role was only that of messenger. To listen and repeat; to listen and transmit; to listen and to be present. (01:12:49)

-Elie Wiesel

Between victims and justice, he opts for victims. (01:19:30)

-Elie Wiesel
        1) A Story of Jewish Children
2) Daniel: Not a Prophet, But Knowledgeable in Everything
3) A Story Told in Two Languages: Hebrew and Aramaic
4) 22 Years at 92Y and a Presidential Critique
5) Who’s the King? a. The Mysteries of Daniel’s Background
6) Daniel as a “Just Man”
7) Daniel as a “Royal Manipulator”
8) Daniel as a Member of the Intellectual Elite and Dream Interpreter
9) The First Persecution of Jews Due to Faith
10) The King’s Dream Or Nightmare?
11) From Babylonia To Persia a. How Daniel Gets Caught and Punished for Praying b. A Parable of Africa and Crocodiles Compared to Daniel and the Lions
12) Daniel as “Dreamer”
13) Keeping the Mystery Alive, the Secrets Sealed
14) The End of the Book of Daniel: What Happened to Daniel? a. To Whom Did Daniel Belong? b. The Power of Words, the Rejection of Vulgarity

Tags: Elie Wiesel

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