Elie Wiesel: God in the Bible - The Fascination with Jewish Tales - The 92nd Street Y, New York

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The Elie Wiesel Living Archive

at The 92nd Street Y, New York Supported by The Elie Wiesel Foundation for Humanity

God in the Bible

Torah as a Place of Meeting for God and Israel
Oct 10, 1996

According to Professor Wiesel, there is one place from which God cannot be removed and that is the Bible. Professor Wiesel analyzes Biblical texts to discern and define God’s place in everything and in particular God’s design for His people and all people. Professor Wiesel teaches us that a Jew can be with God or against God, but not without God.

Selected Quotations:

Ask any child, and he will tell you that God is a tale. Every tale is, in some mysterious way, about God, too. (00:00:26)

-Elie Wiesel

For a believer, God is and therefore is everywhere, in every being. In every sight, in every sound. For a non-believer, it is the absence of God that fills the universe. (00:03:58)

-Elie Wiesel

But then, instead of irrevocably giving up on humanity, God endows it with yet another virtue: hope. (00:29:00)

-Elie Wiesel

What man conceives as harshness may in fact turn out to be beneficial to his or her development. God is mysterious, and surprising are His ways. (00:31:40)

-Elie Wiesel

For God, the goal sanctifies the means. (00:40:09)

-Elie Wiesel

What is certain is that as everywhere in the Bible, in Egypt also, God is deeply involved in the affairs of Israel. And in general, in the amazing progression of human history. (00:41:50)

-Elie Wiesel

His main effort is to persuade the former slaves that freedom is to be won every day, and never to be taken for granted. And this applies to their Jewishness as well. (00:42:21)

-Elie Wiesel

There was never unanimity in Israel, nor is there now. (00:45:18)

-Elie Wiesel

How many times in the Bible were the people and their God, our God, on opposing sides on ethical issues? (00:46:01)

-Elie Wiesel

A song of gratitude is almost by definition a song of love, and the other way around. (00:47:17)

-Elie Wiesel

It is in the Torah that the people of Israel met for the first time the God of Israel, and they continue meeting there to this day. (00:49:09)

-Elie Wiesel

As a motivating source for education, the Torah is unsurpassable. (53:25)

-Elie Wiesel

There is something in the Torah that moves even those who do not celebrate its sanctity. (00:56:46)

-Elie Wiesel

God is in the Bible only to tell us not that He is at a particular place in a special situation, but simply that He is. (00:59:05)

-Elie Wiesel
        1) Where do we look for God? 
2) Where don't we look for God?
3) Parable of the dreamer
4) God at the beginning and end, The Many Names of God
5) 30th year at 92Y
6) Genesis 1, Adam, Eve, Cain, Abel
7) God and Noah
8) God and Abraham: Encounters and Negotiations God and the Community of Israel
9) The Bible as a Love Story
10) The Significance of Torah
Tags: Elie Wiesel

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