Following three generations of strong, independent women in a small Canadian farm town, The Way Home tells the story of a mother (Chyler Leigh) and daughter (Sadie Laflamme-Snow) who discover the ability to travel between past and present via a pond on their land — and their attempt to unearth the truth about the tragedies that befell their family nearly two decades prior.
Join us for an evening of clips and conversation to hear MacDowell, Leigh, Williams and Laflamme-Snow discuss the making of the new season — inspiration for the show, how their characters and storyline have evolved, stories from the set, and more.
About Collective by 92NY, our new membership group
Collective by 92NY is a new membership group for 20-30 somethings. It’s a gateway to the most exciting events in NYC — and a vibrant community of culture vultures like you. Collective brings you talks with iconic speakers, plus discounts on tickets, early access, priority seating, exclusive invites to cocktail events, and unique memorabilia signed by talent.
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