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Oil Painting (Intermediate/Advanced)

Please Note:
  • Gamsol will be provided by the Art Center for in-person classes (the cost is included in the cost of the class). It is the safest and only solvent permitted in our studios, though it can still be harmful. Please always follow the posted instructions for safe Gamsol use and recycling:
    • At no reason should Gamsol be poured down sink drains. It is extremely toxic to our water system and environment.
  • In order to maintain healthy, safe, and environmentally conscious studios the following materials ARE NOT PERMITTED in the 92NY Art Center: Lavender Oil; Turpentine; Liquin, Neo-Meglip, Galkyd, or any other petroleum based medium; varnish or retouch varnish; any other solvent beside Gamsol.
Supplies for ALL Oil Painting Int/Adv classes:
  • 5 -7 brushes - a combination of bristle and synthetic brushes is recommended, but students should feel free to buy one or the other, as their tastes see fit. (Do not purchase nylon brushes or brushes designated for acrylic or watercolor.)
    • Select a range of sizes, small and large (from #2 to #10) for: Flats, Rounds & Filberts.
    • Recommended selection to start: Rounds: #2, #8, #10; Filberts: #6; Flats: #10
  • 1 Paper Palette 12 x 16”
  • 1 small jar of cold-press linseed oil (not needed for Chris Wright’s class)
  • 1 metal palette knife (approximately the length of your thumb or longer)
  • 1 drawing pencil
  • 1 eraser
  • 1 roll of blue painter’s tape
  • 1 box of latex gloves
  • 1 small glass or metal jar with lid
  • 1 bar of Ivory soap
  • Cotton rags or Bounty paper towels
  • Apron or overshirt to protect your clothes
Supplies for Anthony DiPaola
  • 3 pre-stretched canvases 16” x 20” and/or 18” x 24”
  • Oil paints (small tubes)
    • Alizarin crimson
    • Cadmium red medium
    • Cadmium Yellow
    • Cerulean
    • Lemon Yellow
    • Cadmium Orange
    • Permanent green light
    • Raw umber
    • Titanium White (large tube)
    • Ultramarine Blue
    • Additional colors are encouraged but not required

  • 1 roll of blue painter’s tape (optional)
  • 1 box of latex gloves (optional)
Supplies for Chris Wright:
  • 2 pre-stretched canvases, one sized 12” x16” and 16”x 20” or 18” x 24”
  • Artist grade oil paints
    • Accepted brands include: Windsor-Newton, Gamblin, Holbein, Grumbacher, Old Holland, Sennelier, Williamsburg, Winton, Utrecht.
    • 1 small tube of the following colors unless otherwise specified:
      • Cadmium Red Light
      • Burnt Sienna
      • Alizarin Crimson
      • Cadmium Yellow light
      • Ultramarine Blue
      • Titanium White (large tube)
Supplies for James Sheehan:
  • 2 canvases - one 12” x 16” and one 16” x 20” or 18” x 24”.
  • Canvas paper pad, 12” x 16” can be used for oils as well as canvas boards which come in various sizes.
  • Artist grade oil paints
    • All should be small tubes, unless specified otherwise. Preferred brands are by Winsor-Newton, Old Holland, Sennelier, Williamsburg or Gamblin. Cheaper brands may require using more paint, if students purchase, we can discuss how best to use.
      • Alizarin crimson
      • Ultramarine blue
      • Cerulean
      • Cadmium red medium
      • Cadmium Yellow Med
      • Cadmium Yellow light
      • Titanium white (big tube)
      • Optional colors:
        • Quinachrodone Magenta
        • Phtalo Blue

Forbidden colors – sap greens, burnt umbers, ochres and blacks (we’ll mix our own, I’ll show you how – and why.)

Supplies for Melanie Kozol:

The following is a suggested list of supplies for oil painting. I recommend the following oil paint suppliers- Gamblin, Utrecht, Williamsburg, Sennelier, Rembrandt and Old Holland.

Suggested Colors:
  • Cadmium lemon yellow
  • Cadmium yellow medium
  • Cadmium Orange
  • Cadmium red medium or light
  • Quinacridone red or Permanent Alizarin Crimson
  • Ultramarine Blue
  • Phthalo Blue
  • Titanium Zinc White
  • Viridian green or Phthalo Green
  • Mars Violet
Optional Colors
  • Burnt Sienna
  • Yellow Ochre
  • Raw Sienna
  • Burnt Umber
  • Chrome Green Medium #3
  • Cobalt Blue
  • Cerulean Blue
  • Ivory Black
  • Indian Yellow
  • Dioxazine Violet
  • Terre Verte
  • Quinacridone magenta
Other Necessary Supplies:
  • Small Sketch pad with pencils for preliminary drawings- 9” x 12” or larger
  • Bottle of linseed oil (to mix with Gamsol supplied by 92NY)
  • Metal palette knives for mixing-variety
  • Large disposable plastic paper palette or Freezer Paper from the grocery store
  • Prepared canvas, canvas boards or canvas paper –16” x 20” or larger
  • 2 metal cups or tuna cans with plastic covers to rest on top of cans to cut down odors
  • 2 Large coffee cans to hold brushes and palette knives
Supplies for Michael Sherman:

Oil Paints: You should purchase oil paint made by Winsor-Newton, Old Holland, Gamblin, Williamsburg, Utrecht or Sennelier. Purchase only artist-grade paints, not student-grade. Please avoid colors called “tint” or “hue”.

  • Titanium or Zinc white
  • Black or Paynes Gray
  • Lemon Yellow
  • Cerulean Blue
  • Cadmium Yellow
  • Ultramarine Blue
  • Cadmium Red Viridian or Permanent Green
  • Alizarin Crimson
  • Raw Sienna
  • Two or three canvas boards or pre-stretched canvases (16” x 20” and/or 18” x 24”)
  • One canvas pad (16” x 20”)
  • One pad of disposable paper palettes (11”x 16”or larger )(or mixing paint on)
  • Two metal palette knives (one trowel like with bend and the other flat and wider)
  • Murphy’s oil soap small bottle
Supplies for Eric Michelson, Melanie Baker:
  • 2 canvases - one 12” x 16” and one 16” x 20” or 18” x 24”
  • Artist grade oil paints
    • Accepted brands include: Windsor-Newton, Gamblin, Holbein, Grumbacher, Old Holland, Sennelier, Williamsburg. Please avoid Blick, Utrecht and Winton brands.
      • Alizarin crimson
      • Cadmium red medium
      • Ultramarine blue
      • Cadmium Yellow light
      • Titanium white (big tube)
Suggested Art Supply Stores:

Students get discounts when purchasing supplies if the Student ID card is presented.
Blick Art Materials, multiple locations - visit website for addresses
Artist and Craftsmand Art Supplies - multiple locations - visit website for addresses
Jerry’s NY Central, 111 Fourth Ave. (between 11th & 12th St.) 646.678.5474
DaVinci Art Supply, 170 East 70th St. (between 3rd & Lexington) 212.452.4188
Kremer Pigments, 247 West 29th Street New York, NY 10001 212.219.2394

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Please note that all 92Y regularly scheduled in-person programs are suspended.