Your Other Self On Earth

Albert Pulido

Your attorney has a liberal analysis
for your Other Self on earth to consider: annihilation.

For now, you orbit in a satellite while
the Other
freezes below.

He can’t go down a toilet because he’s too big, but how about

a fixer-upper country with a Free Trade Agreement?
American cars are nice, aren’t they?:
          he wouldn’t need to walk to the river for water anymore.
          Anyway, he can’t afford a car.

Imagine his other miscarriages
from space…

to lose thousands of dollars & time on
things he doesn’t really want to do

          …but from space, you can barely see cities,
let alone a soul.

From the window, when you close your right eye, the night
salt of the five boroughs disappears;

close both eyes
and you see his glow as if through thermal goggles.

A ghost.



Albert Pulido is an artist with many selves. He received an MFA in fiction writing from the University of Iowa Writers’ Workshop. He currently dwells between policy, poetry, fiction, & technology.


Issue 14

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