92NY’s Center for Children and Family provides an exceptional array of programs designed to support children at every stage of their development.
Make sure words are spelled correctly.
Use less specific or different keywords.
Make sure words are spelled correctly.
Use less specific or different keywords.
This course will explore how we tell our stories through poetry, whether directly or slant, and ways we can be more adventurous, musical and honest.
Experience with poetry-writing will be expected. Students will be required to turn in a poem a week to be workshopped by the group.
Experience with reading poetry is also a must. Familiarity with the poetry that is being written and published right now is crucial to understanding, appreciating and writing; students will be encouraged to share and discuss poems they have recently read. Also of crucial importance is revision. Few poets create masterpieces on the first draft. Workshops are a great place to learn how we might improve and to learn from each others’ successes and failures. Students will be expected to revise regularly; the last class will be dedicated to sharing these revisions.
Students are chosen by Lynn Melnick on the basis of a manuscript submission. Applications must be received by Friday, September 18 at 5 pm. View the submission guidelines.
Class meets Tuesday: Oct 13, 20, 27, Nov 3, 10, 17, Dec 1, and 8.
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