92NY’s Center for Children and Family provides an exceptional array of programs designed to support children at every stage of their development.
Make sure words are spelled correctly.
Use less specific or different keywords.
Make sure words are spelled correctly.
Use less specific or different keywords.
We will develop unique techniques to create 3D collages focusing on how to build layers and incorporate various textures and materials.
We will also learn about the “assemblage” technique, using collected and found objects to make works that tell stories. Our assemblages may be based on a personal memory, narrative, or conceptual/abstract format. Although each class will be focused around a specific artform or technique, you will be free to work on whatever project you have in mind or are in the process of developing. Technical support will be available for your individual needs, as well as feedback on how to push your concept further. Although some knowledge and experience in collage making is welcome, this is not a prerequisite for this course. You should feel comfortable using an X-acto knife and be mindful of safety when handling sharp tools.
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Thank you for your patience and support as we make exciting upgrades to our building!