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Mar 30, 2023
Sarah Kay has shared her poems in over thirty countries, from cornfields in Iowa, to a town square in Estonia, to the Royal Danish Theatre in Denmark, Carnegie Hall and the Kennedy Center in DC. A writer, performer and educator, she has written four books of poetry: B, No Matter the Wreckage, The Type, and All Our Wild Wonder. “She is a fearsomely open and generous talent,” writes Lin-Manuel Miranda. “She gives you moments so intimate and beautifully rendered you will come to know them as your own.” She reads new work.
Clint Smith, whose recent nonfiction bestseller How the Word Is Passed won the National Book Critics Circle Award, now publishes Above Ground, his second collection of poems. “Smith is a marvelous poet,” wrote Ilya Kaminsky. “This is a beautiful, vivid book, where ‘grandfather is a fist / full of embers,’ and a dance party becomes a life-giving ceremony, and Andromeda Galaxy, 2.5 million light years away, is reason enough to spark a love note. Much to love in this poetry collection, lyric keeping us above the ground, rooted into our world, blessed to be alive.”
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