Christopher Lightfoot Walker Reading Series

Eileen Myles: Readings from Pathetic Literature

with Saidiya Hartman, Ariana Reines, Dana Ward, Simone White, Edmund Berrigan and Eileen Myles

Nov 15, 2022

An evening of readings by contributors to Pathetic Literature, the new anthology from Eileen Myles.

“I’ve collected whoever’s in here for their dedication to a moment that bends … and you feel something,” writes Myles in their introduction. “Each of these writers has a discomfort or a restlessness that exceeds their category somehow. Work that acknowledges a boundary then passes it. There’s no institution, or subculture, where any of this all belongs. This gathering is not so much queer as adamantly, eloquently strange, and touching, as if language itself had to pause. Less an avant-garde than something really beside the point. Until it begins to steamroll.”

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