The 92nd Street Y Humanities Audio Collection features lectures, conversations, debates and panel discussions across the fields of language arts, fine arts, performing arts, cinema, philosophy, history, and Jewish studies, as well as jurisprudence, anthropology, sociology, psychology, media studies, gender studies, and cultural studies from 1950 to 2008.

This archive collection, generously funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities, features over 400 public recordings with more additions to come. Browse the full list of recordings. If you are interested in any recording for research purposes, please contact us.

Series highlights include:

About Women - Andrea Dworkin, Camille Paglia, Jessye Norman, and more
Artists’ Visions - Jeff Koons, Helen Frankenthaler, Roy Lichtenstein, and more
Critics on Criticism - Pauline Kael, Hilton Kramer, Clive Barnes, and more
Shape of the City - Frank Gehry, Robert A.M. Stern, César Pelli, and more
The Jewish Literary Exchange - Anne Roiphe, Gary Shteyngart, Jonathan Safran Foer, and more

Browse by Category

Architecture, Art, Dance, Film, History, Jewish Interest, Literature, Music, Philosophy, Politics, Psychology, Science, Theater, Women’s Perspectives

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