
Danish String Quartet Plays Haydn and Beethoven

Aug 25, 2020

“Chords all have a diamond edge, tunes pour like molten silver. [And] they understand the explosive power of an impromptu nuance, the way a hairsbreadth rubato can make the clouds part.” —Justin Davidson, Vulture

Those fortunate enough to be in our hall on November 17, 2018 heard this brilliant concert live and can now recapture its magic. For everyone else, experience it for the first time and revel. The Danish String Quartet’s dynamism and intense musical sensitivity led Vulture’s Justin Davidson to call them “the quartet I would most want to hear play just about anything.” On this night, it was gorgeous Haydn and the first of Beethoven’s groundbreaking “Razumovsky” quartets.

Haydn: Quartet in C Major, Op. 20, No. 2
Beethoven: Quartet No. 7 in F Major, Op. 59, No. 1, “Razumovsky”

Categories: Concerts

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