Impact Report - 92NY, New York

Impact Report

If you love culture and the arts,
and believe in the power of community …

Read a message from 92Y’s president of the Board and executive director.


young minds and rising talent

We bring the arts into the lives of young people building the creators and audiences of tomorrow.

  • Teen Producers: The first arts fellowship of its kind

    92Y’s Center for Education Outreach, which brings the arts into the lives of 16,000 NYC public schoolchildren and teachers each year, launched a groundbreaking career exploration and mentorship program for NYC public high school juniors introducing them to careers in the arts and providing a path to the job of their dreams in a field they’d never dreamed existed.

    I now know that having a career on the business side of the arts is what I want to do for the rest of my life.”

    Rebecca Dhala, 92Y Teen Producer
  • Meet Teen Producer Rebecca Dhala and learn about her story!

  • 92Y expands artist residency initiative with first jeweler in residence

    Continuing our tradition of championing emerging creators who become the next extraordinary artists, 92Y selected 29-year-old Swedish goldsmith Göran Kling for the first-of-its-kind program.

    Read more about 92Y’s jeweler in residence

  • Meet Göran and see his street-smart, hip-hop-inspired work.

  • 30 years of changing lives through literary arts education

    What began with a visit to 92Y by Maya Angelou in 1988 to talk with NYC public high school students about writing launched the program now called the Christopher Lightfoot Walker Literature Project.

    Learn how 92Y is introducing thousands of students every year to a broader world through the power of words.
  • Claudia Rankine with students in the Christopher Lightfoot Walker Literature Project
  • Maya Angelou at 92Y in 1988


global conversations and change

We harness the power of community to ignite social change.

#GivingTuesday: Philanthropy reimagined

In 2017, the global movement founded by 92Y six years ago inspired more acts of kindness and generosity than ever. In a world where so many things divide us, #GivingTuesday offers the opportunity to reaffirm the things that connect us. The initiative not only draws us together across physical, cultural and ideological divides, but invites us to celebrate our shared humanity.

  • Innovating how the world connects with Jewish life

    92Y’s 2017/5778 High Holiday celebration inspired communities around the world to share powerful messages of reflection, hope and unity — reaching a record six million people.

    Watch highlights from 92Y’s High Holiday celebration

    In focusing on the next vibrant iteration of Jewish community, we embrace innovations for today which will become the traditions of tomorrow. In that way, we walk proudly in the footsteps of our forebears.”

    Rabbi Peter J. Rubinstein, director of Jewish community and Bronfman Center for Jewish Life
  • View 92Y’s New Year video featuring dancers from 12 companies around the world

  • An Ancient Art Form Goes Digital: Connecting the global ceramics community for the 21st century

    Leveraging the power of technology and social media, 92Y initiated a global conversation about ceramics — engaging more than one million ceramicists, artists, academics and everyday pottery lovers worldwide in countries ranging from Canada to the UK, India, Sweden, Spain, Italy and Guatemala.

    Learn more about #GlobalDayofClay.

  • Empowering extraordinary women

    In 2016, 92Y launched the Extraordinary Women Awards to shine a spotlight on the remarkable women in our community who personify 92Y’s values of learning, self-improvement and repairing the world. Thanks to the highly successful 2016 event, we were thrilled to present our 2017 awards luncheon, which inspired an audience of 300 guests with powerful stories of resilience, strength and hope.

  • Meet some of the extraordinary women in 92Y’s community

  • Left to right: 2016 92Y Extraordinary Women Awards host Norma Kamali and winners Amanda Nguyen, Barbara Schwartz and Leila Foulon
  • A new way of thinking about corporate collaboration to engender exceptional works of art

    What happens when a renowned 143-year-old institution with a celebrated Poetry Center gets together with a famous 111-year old technology brand? Literary magic. In 2017, 92Y and Xerox collaborated to create Speaking of Work, a captivating book that tells the story of the modern workplace in the words of 14 award-winning writers and thinkers, from Lee Child to Roxane Gay and Aimee Mann.

    Download Speaking of Work for FREE.

  • Watch a preview of Set the Page Free


culture through literature and the arts

We open minds and perspectives with art that urges us to look beyond ourselves.

  • A New Colossus: New voices at the vanguard of literature

    The words inscribed in the base of the Statue of Liberty welcoming “huddled masses yearning to breathe free” were written by Emma Lazarus in 1883 — the year she was teaching English to Russian-Jewish immigrants at 92Y. In commemoration of Lazarus’ 168th birthday, 92Y’s Poetry Center invited 19 of the nation’s top emerging poets to offer new reflections on the themes that run through the enduring sonnet.

  • Meet the New Colossus poets and listen to their work

  • Jerusalem: Exploring our shared humanity through the transformative power of art

    92Y’s Weill Art Gallery has showcased a remarkable range of work by both new and prominent visual artists since the 1930s — often with themes that support 92Y’s social consciousness. In fall 2017, the space became home to a world-class exhibit by Belfast artist Colin Davidson, revered for his portraits capturing extraordinary people with extraordinary lives, and ordinary people with extraordinary lives, all with equal nobility.

    Presenting an international artist whose work celebrates humanity and diversity and provides pathways to conversation is everything we strive for.”

    Allison Valchuis Chapman, director, 92Y Art Center
  • Joyce from Colin Davidson’s exhibit Jerusalem
    Yousef from Colin Davidson’s exhibit Jerusalem
    Halima from Colin Davidson’s exhibit Jerusalem
    Amiram from Colin Davidson’s exhibit Jerusalem
  • Gidon Kremer and Kremerata Baltica: Music shines a light on social justice

    An unforgettable concert and international cultural event were one when revered Latvian-born violinist Gidon Kremer brought his acclaimed chamber orchestra, Kremerata Baltica, and the work of Russian painter, writer and philosopher Maxim Kantor to 92Y. The multimedia event reinforced 92Y’s commitment to presenting programming that provokes thought, promotes tolerance and celebrates the human spirit.

    For me, it’s important to play music … that broadens one’s emotional horizons and ways of looking at the world, and that (just maybe) helps someone to reach new conclusions.”

    Gidon Kremer
  • Gidon Kremer and Kremerata Baltica onstage in Kaufmann Concert Hall


life with meaning

We bring joy and purpose into the lives of others across everything we do.

  • A new community for grandparents: Deepening our support of family at every age and stage

    Established in 1978, 92Y’s Parenting Center was the first in the nation and remains a paragon. Building on this strong foundation, in 2017 we launched the Grandparents Center, strengthening a vital intergenerational bond.

    Read the full story.
  • The 92Y Parenting and Grandparents Center’s Gaby Greenberg with her familty; front row: Gaby’s son Jeremy, grandson Aaron, daughter Zoe, son-in-law Walter; back row: daughter Julie, Gaby
  • The Himan Brown Knitting Circle: Enriching the lives of seniors with pastimes and purpose

    The Himan Brown Senior Program knitting circle was born of a desire to engage members in a creative activity, while making a meaningful impact. The 5,000+ hats they’ve knitted have been donated to neonatal intensive care units and to cancer patients of all ages, helping both those who knit and those in need.

  • Meet the Himan Brown knitters

Your impact at a glance

  • Provides over $1M in scholarships for children and adults in need
  • Nurtures emerging artists and supports our artist-in-residence programs
  • Brings world-class arts education to 16,000 NYC public school students and teachers
  • Enables us to produce agenda-setting talks and readings
  • Makes world-class performances possible
  • Empowers innovative initiatives like #GivingTuesday that fuel social good
  • Provides people with new ways to connect with Jewish life and culture
  • Supports children and families through our Parenting Center, new Grandparents Center and after-school and camps programs
  • Gives people around the world access to 92Y’s exceptional programming through new media and digital technology

Program revenue covers only two-thirds of our costs — we rely on friends like you to sustain what you love about 92Y.

Financial Highlights

Fiscal Year 2017 / July 1, 2016 – June 30, 2017

Thank you for making 92Y your place!

Your support helps make everything possible.
