Self Defense for Women (All levels)
Self Defense for Women (All levels)
Join Spark Your Health for a self-defense program designed specifically for women with Linda Ramzy Ranson.


Join Spark Your Health for a self-defense program designed specifically for women with Linda Ramzy Ranson, the CEO and Founder of the Women Empowerment Self Defense Academy.

Students learn awareness, assertiveness, verbal, and physical self-defense skills through a combination of lecture-style and hands on training. Terminology and anatomy review plus hands on demonstrations and partner-style scenarios will occur every session during the 4-week program. These skills can help defenders prevent, escape, resist and survive assault, abuse or harassment. This is an all level class, no experience is required.

About Your Visit

How to access 92NY events during construction:

  • Events in Kaufmann Concert Hall, Weill Art Gallery, Buttenwieser Hall, and Arnhold Studio: Use the 92nd Street entrance. A Box Office agent will assist you.
  • All other programs: Use the Lexington Avenue entrance at 91st Street (South Building). To reach the North Building, use the 3rd-floor walkway.

Learn more and plan your visit

Thank you for your patience and support as we make exciting upgrades to our building!

An access link will be emailed to you after purchase.
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