Papermaking with Silk Fibers
Papermaking with Silk Fibers
Papermaking with Silk and assorted fibers such as linen and viscose can be rewarding and creative.


Papermaking with Silk and assorted fibers such as linen and viscose can be rewarding and creative.

Each type of fiber brings unique qualities to the finished paper, such as texture, durability, and aesthetic appeal. Fiber papers are not only a delightful craft project but also a versatile material for various creative endeavors. Once you’ve completed your fiber papers, you can use them in several imaginative ways, such as forming a vessel, a framed print, or notecards.

Available Classes

May 18
SUNDAYS 11:00AM - 5:30PM ET
Papermaking with Silk Fibers
Gray, Omi
Gray, Omi

About Your Visit

How to access 92NY events during construction:

  • Events in Kaufmann Concert Hall, Weill Art Gallery, Buttenwieser Hall, and Arnhold Studio: Use the 92nd Street entrance. A Box Office agent will assist you.
  • All other programs: Use the Lexington Avenue entrance at 91st Street (South Building). To reach the North Building, use the 3rd-floor walkway.

Learn more and plan your visit

Thank you for your patience and support as we make exciting upgrades to our building!

An access link will be emailed to you after purchase.
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