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Dec 12, 2022
Joshua Cohen won the 2022 Pulitzer Prize for his novel, The Netanyahus. “No one writing in English today is more gifted than Joshua Cohen,” wrote Nicole Krauss. “Every page of The Netanyahus—an historical account of a man left out of history, a wickedly funny fable of the return of the repressed—crackles with Cohen’s high style and joyride intelligence.”
Sam Lipsyte’s new novel is No One Left to Come Looking for You, a darkly comic mystery set in the music scene of early 1990s New York City. “Reading this book is like being duct-taped to a chair with wheels and shoved down a steep hill into eight lanes of oncoming traffic. In other words: MY IDEAL READING EXPERIENCE,” wrote Steven Soderbergh. “But it’s more than just the thrills, laughs, and surprises that come with having mad storytelling skills; Lipsyte’s affection for his characters—and the unusual ways they express that affection for each other—give it a warped sincerity that really resonates.”
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