Three fabulous all-new shows, live on our stage & in person only!
Image 1 from Let’s Misbehave: The Sensational Songs of Cole Porter, 2017, Image 2 from Lenny’s Lyricists, 2018, Image 3 from Irving Berlin: American, 2018
Major support for 92NY Lyrics and Lyricists is provided by The Hite Foundation, The Blanche and Irving Laurie Foundation, Ellen F. Marcus, Howard and Eleanor Morgan, Suzi and Martin J. Oppenheimer, Lynda and Robert Safron / The Edythe Kenner Foundation. With additional support provided by Karen and Edward Applebome in memory of Theodore Cohn, Gerald J. Grossman, Bruce Horten and Aaron Lieber z”l, Stuart and Barbara Kreisberg, and Arthur Riegel.